Dapet Awards dari RiZu-Nyaan..
Oia,, nih dia Awardsnyaa..
Thx bgt yyaah Rizuu~~
Put these awards into your blog
1. Tag 2 millions or 400 millions bloggers
2. Links those friends
3. Tell them about these awards
4. Share this links to others and to whom these awards tag
nah sekarang PR nya..
1. Five things found in my bag:
UNO, my flash disk , cellphone , digital camera , manga
2. Five things found in my purse:
Sena photograph , other photographs, stickers , namecard , nametag , *no money at all* =3=
3. Five favourite things in my room:
Lovely Laptop , Teddy , Tiger plushie , mangas , and BED..!!
4. Five things I always wanted to do:
Learn Japanese and Korean Leanguage , become a backpacker , bake a really delicious cake , play sims3 and Haruhi games , become a president
5. Five things I currently into:
blogskinning, pixelling, coding, photography, and blogging
6. The person who inspired you now is:
some bloggers, and my dad
7. Punya handphone?
8. Merk + tipe handphone?
Nokia 5310 Xpress music
9. Choice: Banyak terisi untuk apa memorinya?
game , lagu2 anime sama soundtrack BBF , & tema ,, *foto2nya cuma dikit*
10. Ada fitur koneksi Bluetooth?
Okke itu doang,, sekarang yg ku tag adalah..

siapa aja deh yg mau,, tag aja ato langsung ambil sekalian..

2 komentar:
hwaaaa...selamat :D
congratz udah dpet award!!
thx juga ya pr driku udah dikerjain ^^
ehhehhe.. sama-sama,, thx ya awardsnya.. :3
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