
dah lama nggak nulis blog.. blogku serasa mati...

yayyy... layoutku ganti tema.....

bagaimana menurut kalian?? tehee..

Oia,, headerku kali ini bergambar DANBO!! the cute DanBoard~

vectored by me..

bagi yang nggak tau apa itu danbo...

Danbo is a cardboard robot made by Azuma Kiyohiko, the creator of Azumanga Daioh and Yotsubato!. saw him for the first time on Yotsubato! manga, chapter 28. you can download it here. On the manga story, the Danboard robot was made by Miura and Ena for their school project. This toy cardboard robot named Danbo was commissioned by Amazon Japan from Azuma Kiyohiko. You have to insert money to make it move. *grins*
Tadaaa~~! it's miura-chan!
yaaap! begitulah...

pada awalnya kukira si danbo cuman tokoh biasa...
ternyata sekarang dia ada dimana-mana....

4 komentar:
bagus kok layout nya !
keren !
aku suka !
danbo nya juga lucu >___<
aku Asya
slm knl
wah danbonya kawaii banget!
aku suka!
layoutnya juga bagus ^^
@ Cizka : Hhhehe.. Thanks ya Cizka.. ^0^/
@ Asya : Salam Kenal juga Asya.. x3
Thanks.. ^*^ aku jadi senang..... hhehe.. x)
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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